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Writer's pictureJenny Israel

Spirit Says: August is Beauty and the Beast!

August is going to pack a punch! We have big energies in movement this month! Starting with the Lions Gate on 8/8, we're going to be manifesting major changes that lead to a new and permanent shift of self. This is one of the most powerful manifestation portals of the year but matched with the new moon in Leo, it seems to have an energy similar to that of TNT.

Those things that need to be "blown up" are the very things that stand in our way to a massive Leveling Up in our lives, individually and in the collective. Some of the most amazing gifts in our lives can come in very unexpected packages. Answered prayers can show up as things being removed from our lives or through being met with significant and difficult challenges. In times like these, when we feel that we have lost control, we finally give the power back to where it belongs—with God! This is the Beast energy of the month, as Leo guides (or marches) us into whatever change needs to occur in order to bring us forward into the Fall.

During this time, it will be important to remember to dig deep, look deep within and have faith that everything is as it should be. Sometimes the Universe has to come in with a bit of tough love and hard truths to show us it's time to make a change.

As the weeks progress this month, we seem to bring truth into focus as we attempt to take new perspectives on old ideas and belief systems. These new truths will allow us to humbly release shame and guilt, creating the potential for great healing patterns within us and within our relationships. We will begin to feel a bit more clear and grounded. We will feel the gentler, and more intellectual, Goddess Virgo move her energy in. She will help us to organize the cacophony of emotions and intensity that Leo stirred up, and show us how to manifest through Allowing, instead of through force.

All in all, this is a month of preparation for the incoming Fall season. The theme of the card for this month, The Earthkeeper, is for us to remember why we are here in the first place. Each of us was chosen to be here on this planet during this time for the significant reason of healing our planet and mending humanity. It's not about the "I"; it's about the "We." Every choice we make and how we live our lives, treat one another, and treat our bodies and our environment creates a ripple effect that lasts for seven generations! It's time to bring our focus back to what matters as we consider the power of this manifestation portal in August. How do you plan to continue to care for the new crop that is maturing from the growing season we began in July? Harvest season will be here before we know it! What do you want that crop to look like?

This month is going to help answer a lot of those way or another.

Life is a gift, no matter the circumstances that we face. We must respect Life, God's creations, and one another. New Earth will be born from this!!

Card deck - Collette Baron Reid, Oracle of the Shaman

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