An old favorite is back!!
Are you feeling the push to move forward in life, but you are struggling to shift an obstacle that is slowing you down? Or maybe you are just looking for additional clarity around a specific goal? A Tarot-scope is a great session for coaching you through a transitional period! You can choose between a 6-month or 12-month time span, and receive a "blueprint" for realizing your goals!
What to Expect:
We will dive into the mystical world of story-telling using the timeless guidance of Oracle and Tarot imagery and symbolism and see what the upcoming months have in store! In preparation for your session, I will ask you to take some time to focus on your goals and where you are seeking clarity. Using that guidance, we will pull up to 3 cards for each month.
You can choose any area of life for the focus of this reading. For the most connected and accurate reading, it is suggested that you align with the direction in which you are currently being pulled for healing and growth. If you choose to focus on too many directions at once, your reading can end up being vague and confusing. Here are some questions to consider:
Which area of life am I being led to focus on right now?
Within this area of life, where do I find myself struggling?
What are my foundational goals, when all is said and done?
What blocks seem to repeat themselves historically for me?
The depth of this Intuitive Reading is subject to the state of your Energetic field that day as well as the clarity of your intention. Spirit will always bring forward the information that is for your Highest Good and remind you that your Free Will to move through your life can affect the overall outcome of anything that may be presented as an opportunity for you.
Book 6 month Tarotscope Forecast- One Hour
You may choose either an in-person or remote session.
Cost: $222
Book 12 month Tarotscope Forecast- 90 minutes
You may choose either an in-person or remote session.
Cost: $333
(This session is included with the Thrive in '25 Bundle, so if you have already purchased that package, there will be no additional charge for booking this session)
Soul Coaching Programs
Purchasing a Coaching Package is the BEST way to have access to every modality offered. Within these one hour sessions, there is the time and flow that allows for any level of treatment that you may need. It also gives you the opportunity to address blocks in real time within the therapeutic setting.
The foundation of the Coaching is the same in all offerings, it just depends on the level of commitment you are looking to make! Packages are designed to offer a client an opportunity for long-term healing and growth no matter which you choose, but the longer the commitment, the greater the return. ​
To learn more, visit the information page.
For clients that are committed to ongoing work, the packages are recommended. All Coaching sessions are one hour in length, and mix therapeutic conversation with Emotion, Body Code AND Belief Code work. (Any Sale or Promo prices do not apply to packages)
3 session package- $600 ($200 per session)
6 session package- $1050 ($175 per session)
12 session package- $1860 ($155 per session)
(Sale and Promo prices do not apply to packages or Committed Client rates)
All packages must be paid in full before the start of the first session. Virtual and In-Person are available.
If you are a pre-existing client and are looking for a "tune-up", this would be the session for you.
If you are a new client looking to "test drive" the process before committing,
you may want to consider booking a Full Body Discovery Session (see below) OR you can book a single Coaching session and then decide to move into a pro-rated package, and still receive the package price going forward.
**Although individual sessions are available, the opportunity for a significant or long term shift in a single session is unlikely. For long term results, ongoing work and practice is required.
Chakra Health Scan & Heart Wall Removal
This 90 min Comprehensive Discovery Session is a great way to START your healing journey with the Body and Emotion Code work! It is also a perfect session for someone who is interested in learning more about the Soul Coaching and Emotion/Body Code Techniques, but isn't ready to commit to a full coaching package.
In this session you will receive:
Scan of each Chakra center to check it's overall function
Emotional Age of each Chakra
Heart Wall discovery and removal
Supportive Intuitive Soul Coaching
Limited Body Code investigation if appropriate
This is a wonderful way to get a baseline idea of what is really going on in your body and where the work needs to get done. Having a Heartwall removed is also a foundational way to begin clearing "Emotional Baggage" that is blocking you from Health & Happiness. You can choose to stop with this session OR use this thorough scan as the benchmark of the continued work through the Feel It to Heal It Soul Coaching programs.
Zoom or In-person sessions available- $333
30 min Emotion/Body Code Sessions
These 30 min laser-focused sessions target your issue, whether it be Emotional, Mental or Physical. These are the best options for returning clients working through their healing plan, children and animals as well. It is an incredibly effective and cost-efficient way to focus your healing intention
Based on your intention for the appointment, the appropriate codes associated with underlying misalignment will be identified and corrected. 3 sessions is the minimum suggested to experience deep and long term healing benefits. However, most clients experience a shift after a single session.
To learn more about the Emotion and Body Code, click here.
*PLEASE NOTE*- These 30 min sessions are available to anyone that is interested, however, please be advised that these sessions ARE NOT suggested for New Clients. These shorter sessions are meant to be quick and focused and therefore DO NOT allocate time for any thorough coaching or counseling.
New Clients are encouraged to book a One Hour Coaching/Healing session or the 90 minute Chakra/Heartwall Session for their first appointment in order to provide necessary history and to establish goals and intentions for the healing relationship. Also suggested for pre-existing clients returning after a treatment gap of a year or more.
Please be advised that if you book a 30 min session and go over the allotted time, there will be an additional fee of $60 charged for each 15 mins over the scheduled booking time.
Single session is $111
"Committed Client" Rate- $88
Package of 3 is $288 ($96 per session)
Package of 6 is $528 ($88 per session)
Package of 10 is $770 ($77 per session)
(Sale and Promo prices do not apply to packages or Committed Client rates)​
In-Person and Virtual Sessions Available (Can be done via Zoom, Phone or an Emailed Session. Emailed sessions are perfect for those that want to continue the work and are unable to book face-to-face sessions. They are just as effective as being present for the session. When booking, please specify your preference for the session.)
Welcome to the newest approach within the ground-breaking healing systems created by Dr. Bradley Nelson of Discover Healing! The Belief Code is how you can overcome limiting beliefs and build on the foundational concepts taught in the Emotion Code® and the Body Code™. The Belief Code® takes energy healing to a whole new level.
The Belief Code uses mind-mapping technology to allow the subconscious to lead Certified Belief Code Practitioners to the limiting beliefs that need to be addressed. Beliefs and Belief Systems are made of energy. Energy is vibrational information. Beliefs are not stored in the brain but in the energy body, like trapped emotions. Within a session, we can locate and release the energy of these beliefs, removing them from your system so you are free to begin creating from a more empowered state of being!
The Belief Code is designed to remove negative thought patterns and belief systems in the subconscious mind. A belief is a subjective view held by the subconscious mind that something is true, false, or right or wrong. Beliefs create a filter through which life is viewed and experienced. Most of these systems embedded in your subconscious, are running without any conscious awareness on your part! Which means 90% of your reality is being decided for you at any given moment.
It's time to be the Curator and Creator of your own Beliefs! Unearth unwanted subconscious beliefs and negative thought patterns to free your mind, body, and spirit. Release the beliefs that hold you back and create havoc in your life.
Single 45 min session is $188
Committed Client Rate- $133
Package of 3 is $500
(Sale and Promo prices do not apply to packages or Committed Client rate)
To learn more about the Belief Code, click here.
In-Person and Virtual Sessions are available. (Can be done via Zoom, Phone or an Emailed Session. Emailed sessions are perfect for those that want to continue the work and are unable to book face-to-face sessions. They are just as effective as being present for the session. When booking, please specify your preference for the session.)