If you’ve been listening to me over the past few weeks, whether it be my podcast or on social media, you know that November 11th was the time we entered the “gateway,” this portal that is bringing us to the renewed world.
So, we’re here, and I think a lot of us can feel this heaviness, this uncomfortable energy surrounding us. I know I feel it. But what’s next? This week, I brought one of my OG Seraphim Blueprint students on my podcast, Psychic Medium Erica Lupinacci - also known as Erica the Medium - to discuss her prediction for December.
It's been clear that 2020 is the year of ascension, awakening, and change. Throughout the year, we have seen so many changes and alignments taking place. For December and beyond, we are seeing it all come to fruition.
I’ve known Erica to be spot on with her readings. So, I feel confident that when she predicts something for the collective; we need to take a pause and pay attention to how this may relate to our lives. She predicts that December is going to be the month we leave relationships. Whether this is a romantic relationship, a friendship, or a work relationship, “It's time to stand in the mirror and decide how these relationships have affected you and what they're bringing to the table. [This is the] time for you to do some [inner] work and figure out why you’ve been holding on to these relationships that are not serving you.”
“Another message that keeps coming up for the collective is to be comfortable in your own skin,” Erica reveals. “And it's just really about learning to be your most authentic self, whether that has to do with how you perceive your weight, or how you perceive yourself in the world. Being authentic is where it is: that's where the growth is; that's where the love is; that's where your soul journey is, and I'm realizing that and I'm still on the path there myself.”
What Erica also sees as we shed these unnecessary relationships is a cumulative unity for the collective.
As a collective, we have been breaking down for a reason; we are shedding the old, so we can let in the new.
Watch or listen to my full conversation with Erica to hear more about the prediction for December. To learn more about Erica, follow her on Instagram at @EricatheMedium.
Blessings and love to all!