Jenny Israel CPC
Medical Intuitive, Spiritual & Health Coach
Certified Emotion Code, Body Code &
Belief Code Practitioner

You must Feel It to Heal It!
"The Best Way Out is Always Through."
-Robert Frost

Emotional Intelligence is at the foundation of sustainable wellness! Studies have proven that developing a healthy relationship with our Emotions, and increasing our ability to connect with ourselves as Emotional beings, greatly influences our overall health and the level of fulfillment we experience in our lives.
Our Emotional Body is the horizon line of our existence. It literally sits in between our Physical Self and our Spiritual Self. It creates a navigational blueprint for our growth, fulfillment and wisdom. YOUR BODY IS YOUR GREATEST TEACHER!! It is a language that MUST be learned and used everyday.
It is a simple scientific fact that humans are unable to work with the forces of this world until they have been discovered! Once discovered, they can be studied and used to our advantage. We cannot unearth who we really are and create a path toward self-actualization, if there is no vehicle for the exploration to begin.
Your Mind is Like a Glacier!
Did you know that we are only consciously accessing 10% of our mind at any given moment?! That means that 90% of the signaling going on mentally, emotionally and physically is beyond our awareness and control.
It is an archived library of information that has been collected throughout our entire lives! AND even includes genetic information that has been passed down through generations.
The good news? This information CAN be accessed, sorted, decoded and CHANGED! Even though these signals aren't conscious to YOU, they are still happening and effecting your overall well-being every second of every day. So, isn't it important that you have a say over
WHAT they are, and HOW you are reacting??
The Emotion, Body and Belief Code are the VEHICLE for you to do ALL of this, creating a HOLISTIC shift over your WHOLE being, consciously and subconsciously!

Jenny Israel is a Holistically focused Medical Intuitive and Spiritual & Health Coach, specializing in aligning her clients with their greatest Emotional health & awareness.
After starting her practice in 2009, she has become certified and experienced in numerous forms of Energy Medicine, Coaching and Body Balancing techniques.
All of her experience has created a deep love for the partnership between the world of Science and the world of Spirituality. Her practice now is based within the knowledge that we are not only a Body, but also a Soul, and how these two things are intimately connected through the frequency of our Thoughts & Emotions.
By helping her clients and students understand themselves within this Divine Design, she has been able to help 100s heal the connection with themselves, their bodies and their relationship with God. This is what she believes births the TRUE and AUTHENTIC version of you that you were always meant to be!
Jenny accepts patients at her Stony Brook office and also partners with New Beginnings Wellness Center in Smithtown, and Meraki Integrative Health Programs. Sessions are available in-person, via Zoom or phone.
Jenny is a currently practicing Certified and Accredited Life Coach, and Certified Practitioner of The Emotion Code, The Body Code & The Belief Code.
To learn more about her approach click here.